
25 Anos...25 Canções

Mais um grupo de grande sucesso que faz parte da banda sonora da minha vida bela e que agora por altura da comemoração dos 25 anos, lançou um álbum onde reune 25 das melhores canções da banda, ...claro que estou a falar dos SIMPLY RED.
Neste álbum de 2 CD's podemos encontrar sucessos como "Stars", "Holding Back The Years", "If You Don't Know Me By Now", entre outros sucessos da banda inglesa liderada por Mick Hucknall. No próximo ano virá a tour mundial, que segundo rumores, será a última da banda, mas esperemos bem que não passe disso mesmo, rumores.
Como não resisti deixo aqui uma das minhas músicas preferidas da banda "Stars":
(SIM, SIM, este CD era a minha prenda de Natal, mas não consegui deixá-lo embrulhado debaixo da árvore de natal a chamar por mim...LOL...LOL)

Anyone who ever held you
Would tell you the way I'm feeling
Anyone who ever wanted you
Would try to tell you what I feel inside
The only thing I ever wanted
Was the feeling that you ain't faking
The only one you ever thought about
Wait a minute, can't you see

That I Wanna fall from the stars
Straight into your arms
I, I feel you
I hope you comprehend

For the man who tried to hurt you
He's explaining the way I'm feeling
For all the jealousy I caused you
States the reason why I'm trying to hide
As for all the things you taught me
It sends my future into clearer dimensions
You'll never know how much you hurt me
Stay a minute, can't you see

That I Wanna fall from the stars
Straight into your arms
I, I feel you
I hope you comprehend

Too many hearts are broken
A lover's promise never came with a maybe
So many words are left unspoken
The silent voices are driving me crazy
After all the pain you caused me
Making up could never be your intention
You'll never know how much you hurt me
Stay, can't you see

That I Wanna fall from the stars
Straight into your arms
I, I feel you
I hope you comprehend

That I Wanna fall from the stars
Straight into your arms
I, I feel you
I hope you comprehend

Simply Red "Stars"

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